

Abortion :

Abortion is the voluntary termination of a pregnancy.

Activist :

A person who fights against ideals.

Claim :

It is the fact of claiming a property or a right.

Contraception :

Means used to enable women to have sex by avoiding becoming pregnant.

Discrimination :

The fact of separating a part of the population by treating them badly.

Economist :

Specialist in economics.

Equality :

Equal relationship between people.

Entrepreneur :

A person who, as part of a business contract, undertakes to carry out work to make him the owner of the work.

Feminism :

A movement to improve the role and rights of women in society.

Freedom :

The fact that someone is not under the dependence of someone, he can act as he wants without constraints.

Left behind :

Abandoned, rejected from society.

Legislation :

All laws in a country.


People who recognize themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender and the organizations that represent them.

Male Imaginary :

This is what does not exist in the imagination of men.

Polyamour :

Relation où les partenaires ont la possibilité de développer des relations amoureuses avec plus d’une personne à la fois.

Operator :

Operator responsible for establishing telephone connections.

Polyamour :

A relationship where partners have the opportunity to develop romantic relationships with more than one person at a time.

Racial Segregation:

A political system that applies and accepts the use of discriminatory norms that break the equality between citizens of the same state because of their racial origin.