Today’s Feminism

Today, the feminist movement is growing, but women are still struggling to combat violence and discrimination.

Faced with this situation some women especially celebrities seek to show their discontent thanks to their visibility. And other women seek to impose themselves in society like Rebecca Amsellem.

Rebecca Amsellem is an entrepreneur, economist and feminist activist who created the feminist newsletter «Les Glorieuses» in 2015. In this newsletter she tells her fight for equal pay and the affirmation of women’s clothing choices with a touch of humour.

As Rebecca says in an interview « The Glorious is a community. A community that started at 20 and 3 years later has 90,000 subscribers.»

Image of Rebecca Amsellem
Image of Rebecca Amsellem

Today this community has grown again, with more than 150,000 people gathering around the Club. The creation of this newsletter allows thousands of people to fight against these inequalities and also allows several women to show their ambition to change the role of women in society.

Rebecca Amsellem is fighting for a number of issues, as she said in an interview in 2018, “I am fighting for women’s bodies to stop being the subject of comments,” referring to the criticisms women face on a daily basis.

Moreover today on the newsletter is accompanied by two other more specific categories. The first one is called “Les petites Glo”, which is more for teenagers. And the Second «Economy» which focuses on gender and the world of work. With these new categories Rebecca can reach even more people like teenagers.

In addition, this newsletter is also available on social networks as on Instagram with a community of 85,300 people. On this page the team posts content regularly by varying quotes and illustrations to show their main ambition to create a feminist revolution. There is also a Facebook page with a smaller community than on Instagram with 51,130 followers. Creating these pages allows you to reach different people of all ages.

In 2018, Rebecca Amsellem decided to publish her book «Les Glorieuses, chroniques d’une féministe». In this book, she highlights her personal and sometimes intimate experiences as well as activist remarks so that the reader can have a deep reflection on the place of women in today’s society. In addition, she highlights several other feminists like Olympe de Gouges or Nina Simone who are figures who have marked the history and history of feminism.

Book Les Glorieuses Chroniques d'une féministe
Book “Les Glorieuses, Chroniques d’une féministe”

Rebecca Amsellem is thus a figure as a reflection of the past because thanks to this newsletter, she allowed to share her ambitions, to show women that it is not necessary to be famous to fight inequality between men and women. Thanks to this creation it has made it possible to create a community and thus to gather as many people as possible to be able to change the world of today.